I am writing my blog entry this week from the comfort of my living room, trying to block out the fact that in less than 12 hours, I'll be waking up to get ready for work. We had four days off for Thanksgiving and I was determined to make every minute count. But, in the end, I just did a lot of relaxing. I guess I needed it.
My actual Thanksgiving was nice. I spent it with my brother, his wife and baby son and all of her in-laws. They all flew in from the East coast were super-friendly made me feel very welcomed. After that, I headed to my friend, Morgan's relatives house, where I was included in a party of 60. I arrived just in time for delicious desserts and coffee. After that, I headed home and passed out. Falling asleep by 10 and even then, I felt I was forcing my body to stay up way too late.
The next day, I didn't do much shopping, but I had every reason to be super excited. I had acquired fourth row seats to the Los Angeles Laker game. My second-cousin's husband got them for me through work and I was able to to bring three friends. It was a blast. I have now made it a rule to not sit anywhere further than fourth row. I think that's pretty reasonable.
My weekend rounded off with a friend's birthday party on Saturday night and seeing "Four Christmases" with another friend on Sunday. Of course, I didn't really accomplish much cleaning from my to-do list or even start packing for my big trip to Buenos Aires, Argentina, which takes place on Wednesday. But, that's why I have Monday and Tuesday night for, right?