This year, I had volunteered to work the Golden Globes. Can you believe NBC needed volunteers for that? I was assigned to red carpet. Talk about luck, out of 40 positions, I landed a red carpet gig. My responsibility was to deliver the memory cards from the Entertainment Tonight booth to the digital press room. I reported to red carpet duty at 2 and was given a brief tour of who I was working with and the path I would take. The ET booth just happened to be the first booth on the carpet, meaning I had to go clear from the other side of the carpet to the entrance of the hotel to drop off the memory cards. The process started out pretty slow because none of the big names had arrived. But, as soon as the show was within 30 minutes of starting, the madness began. I was going back and forth with used up memory cards featuring photos of such stars as Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet and Jennifer Lopez. Even though it was breaking the rules a bit, I even snuck my own pictures on the red carpet. It was such a once in a lifetime opportunity. From helping Leo's mom at the ET booth, where she thanked me with a hug, to spotting Brad and Angelina on the red carpet and snapping two very quick photos for my possible once in a lifetime moment.
I even made the background of some of the photos the photographers were snapping on the red carpet. It was quite a trip!
After the red carpet, I headed to the winner's room, where the presenters and Golden Globe winners go to take pictures with their awards. Back there, I was hanging with the likes of Martin Scorcese, Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks and the cast of 30 Rock. After the show, I headed to the NBC after-party, but before I could get my groove on, I had to bandage up my poor and blistered feet. I snuck off to the halls of the Hilton and as I was putting the bandages on, a woman tapped me from behind to ask how my blisters were because they looked painful. I look up and it was the one and only Sigourney Weaver. I love Sigourney and always will because she played one of my all-time favorite movie characters, Katharine Parker from "Working Girl". If I wasn't so starstruck, I might have even told her that.
Despite the blisters, the very tired Monday morning, and very long day of working, I wouldn't trade that experience for the world. Now all I can do is hope I actually make the red carpet as an invited guest someday!