I know it's been a very long time since I have blogged about anything. The truth of the matter is, I have been staying busy. Most of my hours, lately, have been taken up with putting words on a computer screen that the thought of having to actually come home and do the same thing is kind of dreadful. That's not to say I don't have a lot going on, I do. My weekends have been constantly built out with social engagements, surfing, friends visiting and so on. I guess I can say my weekends have been feeling like, well, weekends. And it has been very nice.
So, I guess I can give a brief highlight of some of the past things I could have blogged about, but decided not to, out of just not wanting to.
- One of my closest friends from Portland came to visit me for the first time. That was very fun. I always love when friends visit. It gives me an excuse to take a day off from work, go to expensive, but celebrity-haven restaurants, hit the club/bar scene, and give a tour of my work. Which I rarely take the time to be proud of, until somebody visits me.
- I signed up for my first Malibu triathlon. I am very nervous and scared, but since figure there's only one way to see if you can accomplish it and that's by doing it.
- I recently got into the show "Damages" on F/X. If you have not seen it, you must! I rarely get into shows on TV, anymore, because they either suck or get cancelled. This is one I stand one hundred percent behind.
So, there you go. Just a few subjects I could have easily blogged about, but didn't. I promise I will be better. I have a few more fun things coming my way. Starting tomorrow, when I have to cover a photo shoot featuring Days of our Lives hunk, Jay Kenneth Johnson, in a bubble bath. Yeah, sometimes it's tough having my job :)