Thursday, August 30, 2007

Memphis Bound

I find it very hard to stay motivated on days where you know a vacation is looming just around the corner. Today is one of those days. At the break of dawn tomorrow, I leave for Memphis, Tennessee to see one of my closest friends, Melissa. I still can't believe it's been three years since we have really seen each other, but we have made it a deal to talk on the phone once a week. We have both had our share of ups and downs in the last few years, so this trip is more then deserving. It's not all fried banana sandwiches once I arrive. On Saturday, we head to Nashville on a mission. Actually, I think it's more my mission, then hers, but I want as many cowboys as I can find to buy me fancy drinks in Mason jars. Is that too much to ask? I want hats tipped at me and I want to be called, "Purdy Lady". Ok, the last part, might not happen, but after a few Jack and Diet's, I can pretend that's what I hear, right?
Be back on Monday with pictures of fun and debauchery. Watch out, Tennessee, because I am out to show you how the West was won!

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