Saturday, February 2, 2008

Asking a Hunk

Ok, so somedays I love my job and somedays I hate my job. Most of the time I consider myself lucky to just be working in an industry that I love (when there isn't a strike) and an industry that remains highly competitive. Friday was a day where I was grateful for my job. I created a feature called Ask the Hunk for Daytime on the website. Basically, I choose a "hunk" from the soap opera I work with and interview him using questions fans have submitted. 
I started shooting this feature in November. My first hunk started right off the bat as a crush. To this day, I don't know if he was being charming or being serious when he gave me his number and suggested we get together. I still have the number and the curiosity in my pocket. Maybe I'll get the courage to lock down a date with him in the near future. 
Last Friday, I got to interview a completely different hunk. A very sweet guy who happens to be a veteran on the show. A veteran who is also hunky and only in his mid-30's. He was fun and very charming, but also had player written all over him. He knew how to work the camera and when a group of female fans showed up to watch our interview, he totally played it up. It was amusing to watch. So, spending half my day with a Daytime hunk was a fun day. I have another hunk who is actually even more charming and a lot younger to interview next Friday. Don't envy me, just remind me of these days whenever you see me around complaining about this industry and this job ;)

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