Monday, March 17, 2008

FIve Years of War

It was brought to my attention that today is the five-year anniversary of the war. It really seems like just a year ago the majority of our nation were protesting the invasion of Iraq and hoping the Bush Administration would back down, realizing their moves would be haste and irrational. Well, obviously, that didn't happen and instead, we did invade and not only that, we re-elected the man who wrongfully led us into war to begin with. Sometimes, I think it's a bad dream, but it's not. Instead, it's a scary thought to be living in a nation of war and peace. We watch network news with lead stories about Britney Spears breakdowns and Lindsay Lohan drunken rampages. I guess the war is just too depressing to follow-up on. But, with attitudes like that, it's really no wonder why we are going into the fifth year of this unnecessary war to begin with. 
Here is hoping that 2008 brings some global changes that will work towards peace. Along that note, I will sign off with my favorite John Lennon quote- "If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, there would be peace". 
Sad, but true. 

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