This weekend was a bit of a rough one when it came time for rest. I am always one of those people who try to cram so much in during the two days a week that I have off, that I never seem to get any rest and wind up exhausted by the time Tuesday rolls around. It started on Friday night, when a couple of friends were hosting a "Farewell to Summer" party at this bar in North Hollywood. I went, it was fun and I was going to be very good and try to leave by 11 so I could surf at 6:30 am the next morning. I did manage to have a good time and then leave early. I got home, got ready for bed and realized my phone was left at the bar. I felt terrible. By this time, it as 1:20 am. I put on some clothes and drove all the way back to the bar. By this time, my friends had left and the place turned into what looked like a prisoners' after-party hang-out. I got shoved inside by an overzealous bouncer who was afraid the cops patrolling the neighborhood would fine him for overcrowding, then I got cat called by scary guys left and right. My group had left and all that was left was what looked like the casting for "Dangerous Minds Part II". The bartender didn't have my phone and so I left. Feeling terrible, for losing my phone and for being in such a gross place so late at night.
I checked my email when I got home and had a message from my friend, Meredith who told me she had my phone. I was completely relieved. Such a terrible feeling to not have your one and only phone.
I relied on my mental alarm clock to wake me up for surfing, but that was after only getting a couple of hours of sleep. I surfed, the waves were not great, but they were manageable. After that, I had to get ready for a friend's birthday party in West Los Angeles. After that, I had three other parties to attend, but got home and couldn't move. I literally couldn't peel myself off the couch. I was exhausted. I cancelled out and watched most of the epic "Giant". Great movie and want to finish it this week.
Today, I played a concussive game of tennis in Malibu, rushed home to get ready to drive over the hill and pick up my friend Morgan and hit the Beverly Center. I found nothing but a turtleneck. Not very exciting, but it was something. And now I count down the hours until I can take an evening nap after work. Lets hope Monday isn't a manic one!
At least your hair looks cute through all the craziness! I like it straight!
Omg. I was going to leave the EXACT same comment that 'modern mama' left. Your hair is the cutest in those pics and another upside: at least you're exhausted from partying, surfing & shopping. It could be you're tired from sleep deprivation torture or scraping gum from underneath the movie theatre seats or making out with the prison inmates from the bar the other night...THAT would suck.
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