Ok, so I have been getting asked a lot if I went to the Primetime Emmys, like I did the Daytime Emmys. The answer is, no. And that's fine with me. The Emmys are boring and usually just a lot of sitting around waiting for people to get done with speeches. I enjoyed the Daytime Emmys because they had supplied bottles of wine at each table! Now, if I was every nominated for a Primetime Emmy, that would be another conversation...
That's not to say I didn't enjoy a huge benefit of Emmy weekend, the parties :) On Thursday, I attended the Radio Tour Party for NBC Talent at BLVD3 in Hollywood. A club I have been trying to get past the velvet rope in for almost a year. Well, it was my year. I managed to check out a few celebrities, but mostly partied with fellow NBC friends and of course, had to shake my groove thing to the awesome Neil Diamond cover band, Super Diamond. They were awesome, I even got on stage to dance with them and the keyboardist's wife invited me to all of their shows. Naturally, I was the last employee left from my crew at the club. The rest were celebrities, club goers, and Super Diamond fans. I have a reputation to keep up.
On Saturday night, I got on the list for the NBC Emmy party at the famous Spago in Beverly Hills. I managed to get all dazzled up and head over the hill just in time for my friends to get off work (publicity girls never rest) and go party. I pulled up to the party and was told I needed to be on a list to valet. I was shocked, I never heard of that before. They checked five lists and didn't find my name. They asked who put me on the list, I was afraid of getting people in trouble, so I just said it could be a mistake and drove away. I felt humiliated. Meanwhile, my friends at the party were continuously texting and wanting to know where I was. I told them I had felt too embarrassed for the night and was heading home. A few of the girls had offered to wait on the corner for me to make sure I got in. As I turned around, I realized I had been trying to get into the elusive EW Party the whole time, the NBC party was a few blocks down the road. I felt like such a fool.
I drove to Spago, had my car immediately valeted and was ready to relax with a glass of champagne and a nice bite made by Wolfgang Puck himself. I had an amazing night, hung out with great friends and even was told by Oscar from "The Office" that I made him cry because I didn't see him waving to me on Thursday night. I would take hearing that over a two-hour snooze fest called the Emmys, any day!
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