Monday, October 6, 2008

My RIght Foot

It's been quite a rollercoaster for the my right foot this last week. I'll give you a brief update. Last weekend I surfed as usual, but later in that afternoon, I noticed my toe had a small bite on the top of it. It wasn't until Sunday that the irritation of my foot grew. By Monday evening, I was walking with a slight limp because my foot was so sensitive to anything it touched. I had a hard time sleeping that night because even if the slightest material brushed up against my foot, it was painful. On Tuesday morning, I woke up to my foot being almost twice the normal size. By this time, the little bite on my toe was looking like a giant tumor. I managed to painfully slip on some shoes and go to work. I swear, the swelling must have increased, because I couldn't even slip my shoe on my noon. After finishing up all of my assignments I drove up to our Urgent Care on the Universal Lot. Within minutes of being there, they told me they couldn't even help me because my foot was so badly infected. Hell, they couldn't even tell me if my foot was going to be amputated or not. They bandaged me up and sent me to Urgent Care in Encino, on my way to my place. So, I stopped home, first, got some decent giant slip on shoes that would fit and headed to Encino. They told me it looked like a bug bite that got severely infected, either from the ocean or from the sand or from just about anything. I was put on some pretty strong antibodies and told to keep the foot wrapped and clean. So, I did just that. My bandages were beginning to look pretty nasty on the hour, which didn't help when I had to interview Sharon Osbourne, David Hasselhoff, Piers Morgan and Jerry Springer the next day. Jerry was the only one who noticed my bandaged foot and seemed genuinely concerned. Very sweet man.
The swelling has completely gone down and the foot is pretty much healed. I even managed to play two hours of tennis in Malibu on Sunday. The little bite has since turned into a little mark on my toe, but that's about it. Though, I had a friend convinced it was a shark bite and now my foot is on it's way to becoming a fin. Have to admit that would be cool. Just don't see it happening. Besides, I don't know how I feel about having a fin, but still craving sushi. Would that be cannibalism?

1 comment:

Modern Mama said...

Poor foot! I think you probably would have noticed if a shark bit you.