I just got back from a fabulous whirlwind trip in Boston where I saw a very dear friend of mine from college get married. The wedding, itself was splendid as was catching up with faces I hadn't seen in years. The morning wedding went well into the night, complete with a backyard BBQ at Kacie's father's house and then an after-after party back at our hotel rooms. It felt like I was in college, again, complete with games like beer-pong and flip-cup. It was supposed to rain on the morning of Kacie's wedding, but I would like to think her mother above had a little hand in keeping the sun out and the clouds away on her daughter's special day.
The day after wedding, I drove to Boston, where I met up two of my very close friends from my dorm life in college, Caitlin and Alison. We did a little pub crawl and ended up back at their place, waiting on their third roommate, my friend, Jessica. We spent the night laughing and talking about memories and life. It was as if things never changed and were right back in our dorm rooms, again. I think that is what makes a very good friend in life, somebody that you can talk to any time, no matter how long it has been, but it still feels like just yesterday. The next day, Caitlin took the day off so we ate Dunkin' Donuts and watched Mamma Mia! in our pajamas. It was glorious. That night, we dressed up and went to dinner with the other two girls and Caitlin's boyfriend, who I was meeting for the first time. My final night was spent taking the T back into Boston and meeting my friend, Sarah, who works for the State. So, I got a first hand VIP tour of all the Government buildings and got to meet Sarah's friends and coworkers. Despite the rain, we were able to walk around Beacon Hill and ended up at Kinsail, a fun Irish pub for one more drink before I caught my plane that night. I was just lucky I checked in my luggage that morning before meeting up, took away so much stress that Logan airport can cause.
Now, I am back, missing my friends and catching up with the ones I have here. In the end, I just feel so blessed to have friends all over the world, but have somewhat continued to try stay in contact with them, even if there happens to be a lot of time in between.
My mom comes into town on Monday. It will be great seeing her, taking her to The Biggest Loser Finale, and also a nice Mother's Day dinner during the week. I am expecting another whirlwind seven days ahead of me.
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