These last few days have been very busy for me. But, in a good way that involve a filled up social calendar. Sunday night, I managed to get myself on the invite list for the NBC Press Tour after party at the Beverly Hills Hilton. My biggest fear was feeling out of place, but that simply wasn't the case. I found a lot of friends there, some famous, some night. When the night ended at 10 pm, or shall I say, when the party ended at 10 pm, we just all headed downstairs to Trader Vic's to continue the mingling. I felt like I was at a prom after party, complete with guys dressed in loose ties and girls getting giggly with rum barrels. It was fun and it had me getting in bed by 2.30 am. That part, not so fun. Especially, when I had to get up four hours later for work.
After the very slooooow day at work on Monday, I headed out to another social function at the Sky Bar. The event itself was a young professional networking thing, that came with 20 dollar valet and 14 dollar cocktails. The lighting in the bar sucked, so whatever networking you were there to do, was getting quickly lost with the fact that no light leads to no reading name tags and seeing if that person was worth talking to or not to begin with. So, my NBC crew headed to Mel's Diner up the blog for six dollar food and gossip about the fact Pauly Shore was eating outside and making desperate attempts to get noticed by just about anybody. I ended my night with a small group of good friends from work, the real group of people I wanted to be talking to the whole night, anyway. On the way out, we passed the Stone Brothers, who were a comedian act from our reality show, Last Comic Standing. We chatted with them a bit and they even went as far to say that I should try stand-up because I was very funny and had great delivery and timing. So, thanks Stone Brothers. Because of that little push, I have a notebook full of comic bits and a new fire in my belly to get up on try an open-mic gig. Stay tuned!
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