Monday, April 6, 2009

Creative Outlet

I live in a city where it seems like nobody is doing what they came out here to really do. I came out here with no real agenda, therefore, I can't complain. I did land a pretty sweet job that only got better as I climbed the ladder. But, now that I have been at my job for three years, I would love find some other creative outlet to keep me busy/occupied/moving forward.
On Friday night, I attended the opening night of "Beneath Her Feet." A lovely play written by my friend, Laura Birek. The play got me thinking how great it must have felt for Laura to have her day to day job, also find the time to tap into her creative side and sit down and not only write a play, but be involved with searching for a venue and actors. I have promised myself to start finding that kind of free time in my own day to day schedule. I know it exists, I am just not looking hard enough. Would love to sit and and just write and then read what words came out. I have faith this will come together. Don't know if it will be a script or a comedy routine or something else completely random. I guess all I can do now is just stay tuned and to see what happens next!

1 comment:

Suzanne Casamento said...

You can find the time. It's there. You just have to want to make the words come out. Got do it! : )