I was delivered the sharp reminder today on how short life can be and how we take it for granted time and time, again. I found out about the passing of a childhood friend, who I grew to think of as a second little brother. Tom spent almost every day at my house growing up, my brother and him joined at the hip. My parents and his parents the best of friends. Then, we all grew up and were faced with more adult situations and the wisest decisions were not always made.
When I heard the news of Tom's death this morning, I immediately shut my office door and sobbed for hours. The truth is, I hadn't talked to him in years, but once or twice through a social network message. I knew he had taken a different path that descended into a more darker place, which always pained me. I will always remember Tom as an incredibly smart boy with an artistic talent and dry sense of humor. I remember summer times when him and my brother would start impromptu splash fights in the pool while I tried to work on my tan, or slumber parties, when I would be forced to give up my choice on movie night, because the boys got first dibs, even our trip to Hawaii, where he wasn't seen as my brother's friend, but just another member of my family.
I'll always looked at Tom as the second younger brother, who was in a way, so much like my real little brother. Both boys became men whose lives may not have always been steered on the straight and narrow, but their intentions were always good.
Tonight, my heart and prayers go to Tom's parents, for he was their only child together. I hope they can remember the amazing memories Tom gave them and from that gather strength, to get through these hard times. Tonight, I mourn the loss of man who didn't even begin to show his truest potential in life. I mourn for a family who will never spend another holiday with their son, and I mourn for my brother, who lost a major part of his own childhood with Tom's passing.
So sorry to hear about your loss. Life can be very painful.
So sorry to hear about Tom. Life can just really suck sometime and be so effing unfair. I am sorry for all of those you are hurting. So sorry, chica.
Thank you, both. He was an incredible person and a gentle soul. I'll forever thank him for the memories.
I'm so sorry to hear about Tom. I will say prayers for his family.
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