As many of you know, from reading my blog, that I was nominated twice at this year's Creative Arts Emmys for my work on The Office and 30 Rock websites. It was a true honor to be nominated. Earlier in the week, I was invited with my dot com team to attend a Grey Goose-sponsored cocktail hour to help celebrate the achievement in just being nominated. That was fun and very generous of the Academy of Television and Arts to hold an event in our honor for just being nominated. Not to mention it was very fun to celebrate with my coworkers and talk to other people who work in my field.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Academy Celebration
As many of you know, from reading my blog, that I was nominated twice at this year's Creative Arts Emmys for my work on The Office and 30 Rock websites. It was a true honor to be nominated. Earlier in the week, I was invited with my dot com team to attend a Grey Goose-sponsored cocktail hour to help celebrate the achievement in just being nominated. That was fun and very generous of the Academy of Television and Arts to hold an event in our honor for just being nominated. Not to mention it was very fun to celebrate with my coworkers and talk to other people who work in my field.
Catching-Up Fast
The title of my blog post is meant to have two meanings. One, being that I know I've been a bit MIA on this blog, I guess just one of the downfalls to having so much to do for the month of September. The second, I wanted to write about a fabulous visit with a friend from news days in Southern Oregon, Natalie. Natalie moved to Italy shortly after she got married a few years ago. She now lives in Naples, but was visiting her parents in Las Vegas. That, being a short drive for me, was a no-brainer of a trip. Any chance to catch up with a good friend.
The visit was lovely. Natalie hadn't changed a bit. She was just as beautiful inside and out, only difference being she was three-months pregnant. So, it was wonderful having a three-day weekend with catching up without all the craziness that some trips in Vegas have turned into. The next day, her friend from school joined us at the suite we were staying in. It was great having a girls' weekend. Natalie's friend, Lindsay, taught me how to play craps and roulette and Natalie won big at the slots. Of course, the girl who doesn't gamble wins big. Always the case. She was sweet enough to take us all out to an awesome dinner inside the Wynn Casino that was delicious. I left on Sunday night, feeling so happy that I made the trip and feeling so blessed to have had stayed in touch with Natalie after these years with her abroad. It's great to have good friends!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Daytime Emmys!
I know it's been a couple of weeks since my last post and I should have done this one earlier, but, hey, I was busy. As you can read from my title, I am blogging about one of my favorite perks about work, award season! I love this time of year because you have an excuse to get dolled up and party. This year's Daytime Emmy ceremony was special because "Days of our Lives" earned a record 13 nominations, including Best Drama. The ceremony took place in downtown LA in 103 degree heat. But, regardless, the red carpet was a lot of fun. I found myself walking it with Elmo! Very surreal experience. Once inside The Orpheum Theatre, we were able to watch history take place as Sesame Street accepted the Lifetime Achievement Award and the audience was encouraged to stand-up and sing with Big Bird, Oscar, Elmo and all the others. So much fun. After the cocktail ceremony and banquet dinner, the NBC crew headed to downtown's Broadway Bar, where we were hosting our party. That went on until closing time and we all had reason to celebrate. We might have not won Outstanding Drama, but Darin Brooks won Outstanding Younger Actor and Tamara Braun won Outstanding Supporting Actress for our show. Gave us good reason to toast a round of drinks or two and commend the cast and crew on what a wonderful job every has done this season.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Coming Home
I just recently came back from a whirlwind trip to my home in Oregon. It had been almost a year since I was last there and it's amazing how much can change in that time. Since my last trip, my parents had fully moved into a new house they had built from scratch. My mom was a proud owner of a new car and my little brother was now a father. Needless to say, there was a lot to adjust to. Oh yeah, and my parents adopted another cat, Sabrina, after my grandma couldn't keep her any longer.
The trip was full of its ups and downs and I tried to not let the downs get in the way of the ups. A relationship that I was banking on really working the second time around, failed. I thought i would be devastated by the outcome, as I was years before, when we ended things. Surprising enough, I was a bit disappointed, then quickly realized that what I was holding on to was something that didn't really exist. I was holding on to memories from 2002 and a recent four-day honeymoon period a few months ago here in LA. Back home, I was faced with the reality that the man I thought was the "one" was also the father to a two-year-old daughter with severe attention issues. We couldn't even have an adult argument without her crying. I left Oregon almost thankful that Peter didn't move out here and try to maintain keeping both me and his daughter happy. It would be the kind of pressure that I didn't deserve, nor him. I am just thankful that during this whole awakening period, one of my best friends from Portland was also visiting. Leaning on friends during times like these tend to get taken for granted.
So, departing Oregon, I felt a little older and a little wiser and a little more cautious. I walk away thinking that maybe I played all my cards in love and maybe it's not for me. Maybe I meant to be the gypsy soul who wonders alone. And would it be a bad thing if that is what happened? I tried, I got hurt, I hated the feeling of getting hurt and I walked away. Maybe it's a feeling of being defeated and I hate that feeling. Wow, maybe Pat Benatar had it right when she said "Love is a Battlefield." And with that note, I can easily say I have been keeping busy every single night since my return back home. Maybe it's because it keeps my mind off of Peter or maybe it's because I want to remind myself of the things I would have set aside if he came out here. I don't know. But, in the meantime, I have a fresher outlook on what keeps me happy. My friends, my travels, my job, and the possibilities that lie in my future.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The Final Wedding of Summer
These last few weeks have been super busy for me on the work front and on the social front, maybe giving me an excuse on why I haven't blogged in awhile. But, those days are long gone and I'm back with a new entry!
Last weekend kicked off with a road trip to San Diego to see my Grandpa and Grandma. It was a beautiful drive and a wonderful visit. It always takes a visit and sit-down with your older relatives to realize the importance of family and to listen to their stories and share in laughs. It also makes me grateful that they live so close to me, giving me a sense of unseen comfort.
After my visit to San Diego, I experienced the joy of going to my very good friend Kelly's wedding in Temecula, Southern California's new wine country about two hours from here. Not only was this a joyous occasion because I consider Kelly one of my closest friends since we met in our dorm days at UMass-Amherst, but because it was going to be, yet another, fun mini-reunion with my Massachusetts girls. Caitlin and Alison made the trip and we all stayed at the very fun Pechanga Casino, where the bridal party was staying the Saturday night before the wedding. After the rehearsal dinner, we all headed back to the casino to gamble, drink and cut loose. Keeping in mind, I never win, never, when it comes to slots, I decided to try my luck. I ended up winning 280 dollars on my ten dollars in the quarter slots. It was awesome, but I immediately cashed out, bought the round a drink and we were back in bed by 2 that morning. Since the wedding was a Sunday evening, we managed to squeeze in some wine tasting before getting ready for the ceremony.
Once the wedding started, it was all very clear to everybody on why were in Temecula in the first place. Not to party, not to gamble or drink wine, but to witness the joyous union of two amazing people, Kelly and Tom. I teared up a little when Kelly's voice cracked during her vows, but it was her father's toast at the reception that had everybody bawling. His speech was so pure and from the heart and his constant sobs throughout were touching. I still remain skeptical if a wedding is my future or not, but I can't help but imagine my father would have the same feeling as he watched his only daughter marry. The entire weekend was magical and lucky. It made me value my friendships even more and open the doors at what love really could do to someone. It was even worth the Monday morning four hour drive on three hours of sleep commute to work.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
So, I am proud to announce that yours truly has been nominated for an Emmy for Outstanding Digital Experience with her work on The Office and 30 Rock. That's right, two of my shows, one award. I don't want to get my hopes way up, because there is always a dark horse contender, but the odds are pretty nice. And if anything, it's very cool to say I was at least nominated. No, I mean that. But, the competitive side of me really wants the victory, to know all of my hard work is finally going to pay off in the end. And if it doesn't, I'll take full advantage of the open bar at the ceremony. Keeping in mind, the actual award won't be given out during the big ceremony, but the night before at the event that Kathy Griffith so affectionately calls, "The Schmemmys." I don't care, I'll take it! Keep your fingers crossed for September 20th!
Just a sample of the content I worked on for my nominated sites:
Just a sample of the content I worked on for my nominated sites:
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Back From Boston
I just got back from my second trip to Boston this summer. I had a great time. Once again, it was for a close college friend's wedding. Funny how it seems like those all happen at once. But, never the less, it was great to catch up with college friends and their families. The wedding was held at The Ritz in Boston Common and made for an amazing venue. I danced to the music of one of the best wedding bands I had ever seen. Overall, it was a very joyous occasion and I wish Dan and Jess all the happiness in the world because they deserve it. The next morning, after our night at The Ritz, we got Dunkin' Donuts and headed to Fenway Park, where Jessica's family arranged for us to have a private tour. Very fun. Of course, being surrounded by couples, some who are married and others who are getting married always makes me think if I'll ever settle down. I guess that is just a question that will time will answer. Sigh.
While in Boston, I was able to catch up with other friends from school, who were not present at the wedding. Spending an evening in Harvard Square and then Davis Square Sunday morning with my friend Kacie, whose wedding I attended in May. That was great to see her, since she was so busy during my last trip, we didn't really get one on one catch=up time.
It's also a great feeling to know that I'll be seeing all the girls from Jess's wedding in August to celebrate our friend, Kelly's wedding. Thankfully, this one is on my coast and just an hour away.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Happy Fourth of July!
The one thing about extended weekends is that there is always a work week that feels much longer right around the corner. This weekend, I tried not to think about that. I just wanted a long weekend to relax and mingle. Friday was spent visiting my nephew, Owen, and I bared witness to his taking his very first steps. A pretty cool thing to witness. After that, was a friend's party on her roof of her downtown LA loft and dinner in West Hollywood with a friend.
The next day, I drove up to Montecito to hang with my friend/tennis doubles partner, Natalia, her sister, and her sister's husband and their mother at their mother's beautiful home in the Santa Barbara countryside. There, we had great food, laughs, beach walks, delicious wine and a good tennis match. It's amazing that you can drive only an hour outside of Los Angeles and feel a world away. It was the perfect holiday weekend. And I would be complaining that this work week will feel extra-long because it will last all five days, but I'm very lucky to be taking a whirlwind trip back to Boston on Friday for another wedding, only to return home very late Sunday night, to start another Monday work week all over again. But, can't think about that. For now, it's concentrating on more fun times with friends. Besides, it just feels like it takes more energy to complain than it does to feel good about doing what you're doing. Don't you agree?
Friday, June 26, 2009
Blast From the Past
Since moving to Los Angeles over three years ago, I have had my share of visitors from Oregon, Massachusetts, even Italy and Germany and it's been amazing. I love showing off the sights that this city has to offer, not to mention, always adding a little piece of myself into the mix, to show off what makes this city mine to begin with. But, nothing really could prepare me for my last visitor.
My ex, Peter came to visit me. A visit that had been a long time in the making and quite frankly, a reunion I thought would never happen. I hadn't heard from Peter in seven years. But, that wasn't to say he wasn't too far from my mind. We never had a tearing your hair out, screaming at the top of your lungs kind of breakup. It was amicable. We were meant to go down two different paths and that is what we did. The end. Through all of my travels, living in Massachusetts, Oregon, and California, he was in the back of my head. Not really as a boyfriend, just as somebody I cared about and was still curious about.
Through keeping in touch with the woman who originally set us up, his sister-in-law, Cara, I was able to find out Peter took a complete opposite path than I. A life more consistent with settling than anything else. Peter stayed in Pennsylvania, didn't find the ambition to do anything he really felt passionate about, fell for the wrong girls and now is a single and a father to a one and a half year old little girl. But, regardless, I was still curious to meet up with Peter, again. He always held a very special place in my heart and probably always will. After a few text messages and phone conversations, Peter bought his ticket out here. It was just like old times. No awkwardness, no lack of common ground. We were both slightly older and more mature and able to gather closure from the things we didn't say seven years ago. But, now it opens a whole new door I never imagined even trying. I was able to find all the qualities in Peter that made me fall for him years ago and he found in me, a life I had made out here for myself, but only lacking a partner to share it with. I was at peace with Peter, a feeling I hadn't had since my arrival. Does that mean a reunion in a relationship? I guess time will tell if we are both cut out for that. There is the subject of his daughter, his career, his family's input and my own decision to pick things up where we left off. If anything, I live by the motto to try everything once and fully encourage Peter to try LA on for size for three months and if nothing else, he can say it was a perfect fit for him or it didn't suit him, after that, the rest of his decisions will have to be made.
Of course whatever this relationship is, it's really testing my biggest flaw: impatience.
Long Time Coming
So, I know I haven't posted on here since my Mom's visit and that was what seems like a long time ago. The truth is, when I get very busy at work, as a writer, the last thing I really want to do is feel like I have to come home and blog. But, never the less, I can give a few brief updates of what I have been up to. Life for me has been keeping me steady. Summer is usually a down time for most, but for me, having two of the top-trafficked websites, that can keep you at work well past the hours it's time to go home. But, because it's me, I still try to manage and have fun wherever I can find it. Even if that means getting box seats with club house access to a Dodgers game with the Days of our Lives cast. Had a great time a few weeks ago with the crew. Sported my Dodger pride, had beer, a soy hot dog made especially for me and a nice extra-innings win for our home team. There are times the perks to the jobs are nice to take, even if sometimes feel you don't always deserve them and then it's nice to take the perks with the job when you really, really deserve them. This was one of those days.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Mom's Visit
So, I haven't posted in a while and I blame my crazy schedule and being that I work in front of a computer a lot of my time, it's hard to push myself that extra step and log onto a computer when I get home. I apologize. I'll update you a little and post a few pics. My mom came to visit me for a few days which is always fun. She managed to do everything she wanted to do while she was here, including taking advantage of my very hush hush work perks. In the end, it was all worth it just to see her so happy. We also got to go visit my nephew, Owen, he just turned one. He loved the surfing shirt I got him, as well as the very cute monkey. My mom on the other hand, made him this beautiful Peanuts quilt, using the same bed sheets Owen's dad, my brother, had when he was just a kid. It was very cool to see how touched he was from the lovely surprise. As always, I love when people visit me and my mom is no exception. She watched me surf some great waves, enjoyed some yummy meals and basked in some glorious weather. A good vacation for her, if I do say so myself. :)
Saturday, May 9, 2009
I Love That Dirty Water...
I just got back from a fabulous whirlwind trip in Boston where I saw a very dear friend of mine from college get married. The wedding, itself was splendid as was catching up with faces I hadn't seen in years. The morning wedding went well into the night, complete with a backyard BBQ at Kacie's father's house and then an after-after party back at our hotel rooms. It felt like I was in college, again, complete with games like beer-pong and flip-cup. It was supposed to rain on the morning of Kacie's wedding, but I would like to think her mother above had a little hand in keeping the sun out and the clouds away on her daughter's special day.
The day after wedding, I drove to Boston, where I met up two of my very close friends from my dorm life in college, Caitlin and Alison. We did a little pub crawl and ended up back at their place, waiting on their third roommate, my friend, Jessica. We spent the night laughing and talking about memories and life. It was as if things never changed and were right back in our dorm rooms, again. I think that is what makes a very good friend in life, somebody that you can talk to any time, no matter how long it has been, but it still feels like just yesterday. The next day, Caitlin took the day off so we ate Dunkin' Donuts and watched Mamma Mia! in our pajamas. It was glorious. That night, we dressed up and went to dinner with the other two girls and Caitlin's boyfriend, who I was meeting for the first time. My final night was spent taking the T back into Boston and meeting my friend, Sarah, who works for the State. So, I got a first hand VIP tour of all the Government buildings and got to meet Sarah's friends and coworkers. Despite the rain, we were able to walk around Beacon Hill and ended up at Kinsail, a fun Irish pub for one more drink before I caught my plane that night. I was just lucky I checked in my luggage that morning before meeting up, took away so much stress that Logan airport can cause.
Now, I am back, missing my friends and catching up with the ones I have here. In the end, I just feel so blessed to have friends all over the world, but have somewhat continued to try stay in contact with them, even if there happens to be a lot of time in between.
My mom comes into town on Monday. It will be great seeing her, taking her to The Biggest Loser Finale, and also a nice Mother's Day dinner during the week. I am expecting another whirlwind seven days ahead of me.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Moving Forward
This week has been a very tough one. I knew that Tom's passing would get me down, but I didn't expect it to hit me so hard. It seemed like every little thing I would do or come across, I would be reminded of a memory of him. I dug up old emails we had exchanged, looked a pictures, and relived some great laughs by talking to my mom. I cried five nights straight and five days straight. Not imagining how hard it must be to be his parents, when literally every move they made for 27 years straight was for the good intentions of their only child.
My mom spent an entire morning a few days ago with Tom's mom, helping sort out Tom's things and sharing in some laughs, tears, and wonderful memories of a man with so much more to give. My mom had found out that Tom was planning a trip to Southern California to see his cousin and had planned on visiting me along the way, she learned that Tom collected hats and kept stacks of journals. It was refreshing to see that there were still signs of the old Tom that I knew. The creative one, the funny one, the kind and thoughtful one. The Tom I am going to remember forever.
His memorial service is Saturday. I wanted to fly back home so bad to just be there for his family, as well as mine. I also have a wedding on Saturday in Boston. A good friend reminded me that Tom would have much rather me have a blast with friends than sit in a room and mourn. And she was right. I know that when I pass, I would rather my friends not only remember me, but remember those who are still present in their lives, physically. I am now reminded that we don't know when our last day is, we don't know when our loves ones' last day is, so we have to live our lives the fullest. We have to let people we care about know how much they mean to us. Moving forward, I will try my best to intend on doing that.
I also plan on a trip home in summer. To visit Tom's family, after the flowers stop coming in, the cards stop getting sent and visitors stop dropping by. I plan on letting them know what Tom meant to me and share in all the memories we had together, the ones I couldn't fit in one card.
I feel this trip to Boston couldn't have come at a better time. The bride-to-be, Kacie and I were college friends and the last time I saw her was when her mother passed away just shortly after Kacie graduated. She was an amazing woman whose smile, humor, and sincerity lives on in her daughter. I expect a lot of tears on Saturday, but happy tears. Tears that represent the great times we had with our loved ones who are no longer here and tears that represent the amazing times we have waiting us.
My mom spent an entire morning a few days ago with Tom's mom, helping sort out Tom's things and sharing in some laughs, tears, and wonderful memories of a man with so much more to give. My mom had found out that Tom was planning a trip to Southern California to see his cousin and had planned on visiting me along the way, she learned that Tom collected hats and kept stacks of journals. It was refreshing to see that there were still signs of the old Tom that I knew. The creative one, the funny one, the kind and thoughtful one. The Tom I am going to remember forever.
His memorial service is Saturday. I wanted to fly back home so bad to just be there for his family, as well as mine. I also have a wedding on Saturday in Boston. A good friend reminded me that Tom would have much rather me have a blast with friends than sit in a room and mourn. And she was right. I know that when I pass, I would rather my friends not only remember me, but remember those who are still present in their lives, physically. I am now reminded that we don't know when our last day is, we don't know when our loves ones' last day is, so we have to live our lives the fullest. We have to let people we care about know how much they mean to us. Moving forward, I will try my best to intend on doing that.
I also plan on a trip home in summer. To visit Tom's family, after the flowers stop coming in, the cards stop getting sent and visitors stop dropping by. I plan on letting them know what Tom meant to me and share in all the memories we had together, the ones I couldn't fit in one card.
I feel this trip to Boston couldn't have come at a better time. The bride-to-be, Kacie and I were college friends and the last time I saw her was when her mother passed away just shortly after Kacie graduated. She was an amazing woman whose smile, humor, and sincerity lives on in her daughter. I expect a lot of tears on Saturday, but happy tears. Tears that represent the great times we had with our loved ones who are no longer here and tears that represent the amazing times we have waiting us.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Yesterday is Gone

I was delivered the sharp reminder today on how short life can be and how we take it for granted time and time, again. I found out about the passing of a childhood friend, who I grew to think of as a second little brother. Tom spent almost every day at my house growing up, my brother and him joined at the hip. My parents and his parents the best of friends. Then, we all grew up and were faced with more adult situations and the wisest decisions were not always made.
When I heard the news of Tom's death this morning, I immediately shut my office door and sobbed for hours. The truth is, I hadn't talked to him in years, but once or twice through a social network message. I knew he had taken a different path that descended into a more darker place, which always pained me. I will always remember Tom as an incredibly smart boy with an artistic talent and dry sense of humor. I remember summer times when him and my brother would start impromptu splash fights in the pool while I tried to work on my tan, or slumber parties, when I would be forced to give up my choice on movie night, because the boys got first dibs, even our trip to Hawaii, where he wasn't seen as my brother's friend, but just another member of my family.
I'll always looked at Tom as the second younger brother, who was in a way, so much like my real little brother. Both boys became men whose lives may not have always been steered on the straight and narrow, but their intentions were always good.
Tonight, my heart and prayers go to Tom's parents, for he was their only child together. I hope they can remember the amazing memories Tom gave them and from that gather strength, to get through these hard times. Tonight, I mourn the loss of man who didn't even begin to show his truest potential in life. I mourn for a family who will never spend another holiday with their son, and I mourn for my brother, who lost a major part of his own childhood with Tom's passing.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Viva Las Vegas
Well, I am back after a whirlwind trip to Las Vegas. Of course, the pockets are empty, but I still managed to have fun. I knew my odds were pretty cut after my friend won 500 dollars off the bat at the slot machines. I knew right then, my odds were diminishing. That was the night before my arrival, so I didn't see the winning moment that would have made me green with envy.
Once I arrived in Las Vegas, I met up with my friends from Portland, Carrie, Kelly, Rachel, Shannon, and her husband, John Anthony. I set my bags down at our room at the Madalay Bay and we met up with Shannon's sister, Dawn and her boyfriend, Mark, who live in Long Beach. After I did arrive, we did what all crazy people with only two nights in Vegas do, we hit the town running. We reserved bottle service at Wasted Space, Carey Hart's new club in the Hard Rock. We had some friends already there for The Killers' show. So, with our bottle of Belvedere vodka, we danced, drank and got silly while VIPn' it in style. The only way to do Vegas.
The next day was recovery mode. There were a few dramatic moments the night before. Like what always happens when you get a gaggle of girls and ply them with alcohol; Luckily, I managed to stay out drama-free. The next day, was full of lounging and gambling and pool vegging. The night was full of seeing the sights, since two of the Portland girls, Carrie and Kelly had never been to Sin City before. We hit the Bellagio, Treasure Island, and walked the entire strip... in heels. But, it was well worth it.
The entire weekend was worth the drive both there and the eight-hour traffic-heavy trek back. I miss those girls in Portland and it's great when you can schedule a trip like this, even if it was only for a few days. Now, if I could convince work I need a few more days to be in recovery mode...
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Happy 100 to The Office

This week was a fun and busy week. I covered "The Office" 100th episode celebration of in the Calabasas canyons. Super fun and I managed to hang out with my favorites from the show, as well as interview Steve Carell for the first time. A lot of media outlets were on hand to cover, but I don't think any of them received warm hugs from the cast like I did ;)
We spent most of the day in the middle of the celebration, which was literally located in the middle of nowhere. The next morning, I went up there with my web producer to cover some fun interviews with Angela Kinsey for her "Ask Angela" feature for the website. I managed to also bond a little with Jenna Fischer, someone I had not met before this week. She was super polite and we just kicked it her trailer, as Angela filmed her feature. The entire experience made me realize how lucky I am to have such a cool gig, as well as made me feel lucky that I am at the point where celebrity doesn't phase me. I am more comfortable with my interviews based on the attitudes of the people I hang with and not with the amount of how famous they are. Though, sometimes both are related.
Attached is the interview I conducted with Steve and a sample of the fun videos to come and a photo of my web producer and video producer next to the "The Office" 100th episode celebration cake. A cake that I regretfully didn't sneak a slice of :(
I leave to meet my friends from Portland in Vegas tomorrow. I no doubt, will have plenty of stories to share when I return!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Creative Outlet
I live in a city where it seems like nobody is doing what they came out here to really do. I came out here with no real agenda, therefore, I can't complain. I did land a pretty sweet job that only got better as I climbed the ladder. But, now that I have been at my job for three years, I would love find some other creative outlet to keep me busy/occupied/moving forward.
On Friday night, I attended the opening night of "Beneath Her Feet." A lovely play written by my friend, Laura Birek. The play got me thinking how great it must have felt for Laura to have her day to day job, also find the time to tap into her creative side and sit down and not only write a play, but be involved with searching for a venue and actors. I have promised myself to start finding that kind of free time in my own day to day schedule. I know it exists, I am just not looking hard enough. Would love to sit and and just write and then read what words came out. I have faith this will come together. Don't know if it will be a script or a comedy routine or something else completely random. I guess all I can do now is just stay tuned and to see what happens next!
On Friday night, I attended the opening night of "Beneath Her Feet." A lovely play written by my friend, Laura Birek. The play got me thinking how great it must have felt for Laura to have her day to day job, also find the time to tap into her creative side and sit down and not only write a play, but be involved with searching for a venue and actors. I have promised myself to start finding that kind of free time in my own day to day schedule. I know it exists, I am just not looking hard enough. Would love to sit and and just write and then read what words came out. I have faith this will come together. Don't know if it will be a script or a comedy routine or something else completely random. I guess all I can do now is just stay tuned and to see what happens next!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
New Post? Really?
I know it's been a very long time since I have blogged about anything. The truth of the matter is, I have been staying busy. Most of my hours, lately, have been taken up with putting words on a computer screen that the thought of having to actually come home and do the same thing is kind of dreadful. That's not to say I don't have a lot going on, I do. My weekends have been constantly built out with social engagements, surfing, friends visiting and so on. I guess I can say my weekends have been feeling like, well, weekends. And it has been very nice.
So, I guess I can give a brief highlight of some of the past things I could have blogged about, but decided not to, out of just not wanting to.
- One of my closest friends from Portland came to visit me for the first time. That was very fun. I always love when friends visit. It gives me an excuse to take a day off from work, go to expensive, but celebrity-haven restaurants, hit the club/bar scene, and give a tour of my work. Which I rarely take the time to be proud of, until somebody visits me.
- I signed up for my first Malibu triathlon. I am very nervous and scared, but since figure there's only one way to see if you can accomplish it and that's by doing it.
- I recently got into the show "Damages" on F/X. If you have not seen it, you must! I rarely get into shows on TV, anymore, because they either suck or get cancelled. This is one I stand one hundred percent behind.
So, there you go. Just a few subjects I could have easily blogged about, but didn't. I promise I will be better. I have a few more fun things coming my way. Starting tomorrow, when I have to cover a photo shoot featuring Days of our Lives hunk, Jay Kenneth Johnson, in a bubble bath. Yeah, sometimes it's tough having my job :)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Jury Duty
Great news, my friends! I got out of jury duty. Now, don't get me wrong, I understand that it's part of our judicial court system and that heaven forbid, I ever get falsely accused of a crime, I expect a jury of my peers to not complain, but instead bust my butt out. It is just such a hassle. I was able to use my name-dropping skills to talk about how my law knowledge comes from Law & Order shows since I work on them. I was still called in seat 11. But, after a few more questions, the defense dismissed me. It was still interesting to see how the court system works. Since this was my first journey to jury duty. I got out in just the nick of time. Chris Brown is due to be arraigned this week on his assault charges. As if traffic wasn't enough downtown. Now, fingers crossed, they will forget all about me for a few years.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
A Hollywood Night
Last night was going to be a total low key night in. The weather was rainy and cold. My friend from Massachusetts' fiancee happened to be in town and wanted to invite me to hang with some of his Notre Dame college friends in Hollywood. Usually, I avoid Hollywood on weekends due to crazy traffic and valet prices. But, since it was Dan and I didn't know how long he would be on our West coast, I joined in. We went to a fun hip bar, Citizen Smith. It took forever in traffic, but once I arrived, I found his friends to be nice and really into that Hollywood scene. They wanted to go to a club after that. With velvet ropes, barely-dressed girls, and Entourage-wannabe guys, that really is not my scene. But, Dan talked me into going. Now, when we got to the club, there was a giant line for both the front and back entrance. But, Dan, being a former NFL pro, that was nothing. He knew a guy who knew a guy who owned the bar and we were in the club in a matter of minutes. Not only that, we had full table service with a giant bottle of Grey Goose waiting for us. From there, I felt I had arrived, for even one night. The club was packed, we were VIP, and everything was "taken care of". I distain Hollywood for being such a cliche of what everybody sees on TV, but then there are nights I love it, because I can actually be part of that cliche.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Golden Globes
This year, I had volunteered to work the Golden Globes. Can you believe NBC needed volunteers for that? I was assigned to red carpet. Talk about luck, out of 40 positions, I landed a red carpet gig. My responsibility was to deliver the memory cards from the Entertainment Tonight booth to the digital press room. I reported to red carpet duty at 2 and was given a brief tour of who I was working with and the path I would take. The ET booth just happened to be the first booth on the carpet, meaning I had to go clear from the other side of the carpet to the entrance of the hotel to drop off the memory cards. The process started out pretty slow because none of the big names had arrived. But, as soon as the show was within 30 minutes of starting, the madness began. I was going back and forth with used up memory cards featuring photos of such stars as Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet and Jennifer Lopez. Even though it was breaking the rules a bit, I even snuck my own pictures on the red carpet. It was such a once in a lifetime opportunity. From helping Leo's mom at the ET booth, where she thanked me with a hug, to spotting Brad and Angelina on the red carpet and snapping two very quick photos for my possible once in a lifetime moment.
I even made the background of some of the photos the photographers were snapping on the red carpet. It was quite a trip!
After the red carpet, I headed to the winner's room, where the presenters and Golden Globe winners go to take pictures with their awards. Back there, I was hanging with the likes of Martin Scorcese, Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks and the cast of 30 Rock. After the show, I headed to the NBC after-party, but before I could get my groove on, I had to bandage up my poor and blistered feet. I snuck off to the halls of the Hilton and as I was putting the bandages on, a woman tapped me from behind to ask how my blisters were because they looked painful. I look up and it was the one and only Sigourney Weaver. I love Sigourney and always will because she played one of my all-time favorite movie characters, Katharine Parker from "Working Girl". If I wasn't so starstruck, I might have even told her that.
Despite the blisters, the very tired Monday morning, and very long day of working, I wouldn't trade that experience for the world. Now all I can do is hope I actually make the red carpet as an invited guest someday!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Happy New Year's!
My first post of 2009... it feels so weird writing that number. I always looked at 2009 as so far into the future and now here it is upon us.
I had a pretty fun New Year's night, which isn't always the case in the past. I always think that night is most fun when celebrated with friends, which was how it went when I was living in Oregon. The more invites I was receiving for this year, the more I realized that each party consisted of couples only, or very intimate gatherings of people I didn't know. Parties were costing 100 dollars a head and I could already tell wouldn't be worth it. So, I checked on airline tickets and decided to head to Portland and spend New Years with good friends there. I arrived hours before midnight. We headed to the Kennedy School, where each room had been set up as a different themed bar along with live bands. New Years with rang in with champagne and a kiss from a cute boy. The next day, was recovery mode. I stayed at my friend Sam's house and we just chilled out most of the day.
I had made plans to travel throughout Portland to visit other friends, but the great blizzard of Portland came. Roads were closed and there was no way of getting around them. Super bummer! But, the snow had melted, I was able to shop around 23rd Street for shopping and later that night we headed to one of my favorite bars, The Doug Fir, with Shannon, John, Sam, Kelly, and Kami. There were three fun bands playing and fun was enjoyed by all!
The next day, we spent the day chilling out, before heading to drinks at The Nines then to Kell's. We enjoyed live music and good company. The entire weekend was a wonderful way to ring by 2009. I can only hope that it will continue be this fun.
Next stop... Golden Globes! I'll blog about that this week.
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